Sandalwood is combined with the power of Japanese Red Shiso as a natural antibacterial. Functioning as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), the aroma relaxes the body and mind.
See ProductSea Salt is combined with the power of Japanese Red Shiso as a natural antibacterial. Sea salt (sodium, magnesium, minerals) helps remove dead skin cells, dust, and pollution.
See ProductSulfur is combined with the power of Japanese Red Shiso as a natural antibacterial. Can reduce itching and redness, very suitable for sensitive skin, and gentle on the skin.
See ProductEchinacea is combined with the power of Japanese Red Shiso as a natural antibacterial. Serves for energizing because of the sensation of a passionate fragrance, suitable for outdoor activities.
See ProductTea Tree is combined with the power of Japanese Red Shiso as a natural antibacterial. Provides overall freshness, the fragrance is soothing and feels one with nature.
See ProductJapanese Red Shiso are clinically proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses, and effectively kill them. Its antioxidant is able to ward free radicals off on the skin. Moreover, Japanese Red Shiso is rich in ceramides which can maintain the skin's natural mildness.
With rosmarinic acid and its anti-inflammatory benefits, Japanese Res Shiso makes Zen safe for all skin types. Good to taking care even the most sensitive skin.
It is a very popular plant in Asian countries – especially Japan. The high content of antioxidants, fiber and vitamins makes Red Shiso Leaves used for treatment and skin care.
Japanese Red Shiso are clinically proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses, and effectively kill them. Its antioxidant is able to ward free radicals off on the skin. Moreover, Japanese Red Shiso is rich in ceramides which can maintain the skin's natural mildness.
With rosmarinic acid and its anti-inflammatory benefits, Japanese Res Shiso makes Zen safe for all skin types. Good to taking care even the most sensitive skin.
With natural antibacterial Japanese Red Shiso Leaves, Zen is effective against germs without drying the skin.
Akhirnya nemu body wash antiseptic yg bikin jd favorit pertama kali aku coba variant zen yg merah ini aroma nya bener2 nyaman bgt ga kayak sabun kesehatan lain wangi sandalwood nya juga lembut jd bikin rileks klo udh penat ama kerjaan pulang kerja lgsg mandi pake sabun zen yg sandalwood ini jd penat kayaknya buyar udh gtu setiap abis mandi keluar dr kamar mandi wangi nya tuh masih kecium aja di kamar mandi jd secinta ini udh sm zen .
Sabun Zen ini packingnya lucu banget pink pink gitu, tapi ternyata dia sabun antibakterial yg cocok buat keluarga, dan penting bgt pas saat2 kayak gini harus jaga kebersihan ekstra kan… Awalnya gak expect gimana2 tapi wanginyaaa aduh… bikin wangi sekamar mandi dan tahan lamaa, sampe jadi suka cium2 wangi badan sendiri 😀 favorit banget nih yang varian sandalwood! recommended
This is my family's favorite body wash, the price is cheap, especially since it has a refill, so it saves more money, smells good, makes skin smooth and doesn't have a slippery effect when using it. repurchase? sure dongsss
Very very recommended !!! For those who have sensitive skin, it's easy to dry out when you use health soap, maybe you should try this one! The fragrance is soft, clean and mild. The foam is overflowing, so even a little bit of product when using it is enough. The price is really worth every penny. And lastly it doesn’t dry your skin out even though it’s health soap! I love this soap and I must always have it at home! If the skin is dryer than usual sometimes I like to combine it with shower gel or shower cream from other brands. Because it has a mild scent, so its fragrance doesn't clash with other products.
Udah lama pake sabun batangnya yang varian sulphur dan sandalwood.keduanya sama-sama bagus, tapi kalo untuk jerawat di tubuhku sih lebih prefer ke varian sulphurnya. karna sabun batang zen bagus, jadi pengen coba body washnya. ternyata aku lebih suka yang body washnya dibanding sabun batangnya. kirain body washnya kayak body wash merk-merk lain yang bikin licin dikulit abis dibilas, ternyata oh ternyata yang zen body wash engga. suka sekaliii. untuk daya tahan keharumannya lebih lama body wash dibandingkan dengan sabun batangnya. love banget. aku sampe beli 2 botol body washnya tuk stock hihihihi
Awalnya aku make sabun Zen ini karena, salah satu variannya itu bener – bener wangi yang sampai ikut nyebar keluar, aroma dari varian biru ini wangi sih tapi, lebih wangian salah satu varian lainnya. Aromanya gak gitu kuat atau nusuk gitu, lebih ke arah yang gak kuat aromanya. Tapi, tetep enak kok aromanya.
Sabun antibacterial yang ga bikin insecure kalo abis keluar HAHA. karena beneran bikin ngerasa badan jadi bersih kalo mandi pake sabun ini. sabunnya banyak busanya yah, dan wanginya juga enak banget ini. my 2nd fave sih, yang pertama si pink nya.
It smells really, really, really bad and lasts really long. Already like that, it contains that much and the price is really cheap. Especially for the whole family, it's still beautiful. It feels cleaner and doesn't dry the skin.
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